In our book, Juggling Elephants, Jones Loflin and I talk about the importance of taking an intermission. Intermission is a chance for time away from the day to day. It is an opportunity to prepare for the next act. It is a time to reconnect with those you have been too busy to share your time with. What kind of intermission do you need right now?
15 minutes to clear your head, walk around the block, get some fresh air, and keep the blood pumping.
30 minutes to close your eyes and nap in the middle of a very full day of meetings.
An evening to go to dinner, or a movie, or a walk. Just the two of you.
A day off to work in your yard and clear out some flowerbeds - physical work rather than your usual mental work.
A long weekend away. Solitude. A chance to read, think, plan, re-evaluate, set goals, sleep, relax, clear your head, walk, pray, listen, stretch, eat, be.
A week of vacation with friends and family. A chance to make new connections, see new places and to remember why you work so hard.
Intermissions come in all shapes and sizes and should have different goals and intended outcomes. Plan them out. Block them out in your calendar. Look forward to them. Be spontaneous and take an “unplanned intermission” when you feel you really need one or when you feel like you don’t need one. You will come out relaxed, replenished and renewed.